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Together for culture: 198 new cooperations between schools and cultural institutions are starting

9,300 pupils are taking advantage of the cultural opportunities offered by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research's “culture connected” initiative.

‘culture connected’ supports cooperation projects between schools and cultural institutions in all areas of art and culture. 198 new partnerships are starting in the second semester of the school year 2024/25. The funding programme, which is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and implemented by the OeAD, supports each project with up to 1,800 euros. A jury from the fields of education and culture selected the projects from 247 submissions in January.

Cultural organisations – from small associations to renowned institutions – work together with schools to develop cultural activities that open up new perspectives on art and culture for pupils. The joint projects promote self-determined learning and lasting experiences that go far beyond traditional school education.

Cultural education strengthens potential

The education minister Martin Polaschek emphasises the importance of the initiative: ‘Collaboration with partners from outside school enriches everyday school life and contributes in a significant way to the participating pupils’ cultural and personal development. These cooperations add creative impulses to the learning environment, which is the school, that foster motivation, talent and creativity. At the same time ‘culture connected’ opens up new opportunities to gain experience in art and culture and to get to know the versatile cultural scene in Austria.’

The OeAD’s managing director Jakob Calice emphasises the possibility of active participation: ‘’culture connected' aims in particular to give young people the possibility to develop, participate in society and actively shape the future through cultural activities. The pupils contribute their ideas and visions and put them into practice in impressive projects. These activities take place both at cultural institutions and in public spaces and contribute to the revitalisation of the young cultural scene in Austria.’

Statement of the jury: ‘Once again this school year the range of interactive and creative learning formats that cultural institutions across Austria and in all cultural disciplines are developing together with schools was impressive. Dedicated teachers and creative artists are developing didactic approaches and techniques that enable new learning experiences outside the school environment. Pupils of all ages and school types’ media skills are supported through inclusive and interdisciplinary approaches and they will explore the topics of our time from new and multidimensional perspectives. Many projects focus on the everyday lives of young people in order to explore their emotional world and needs. Pupils will learn about a variety of creative tools, find new artistic solutions to everyday challenges and stay connected with art and culture in a unique way.’

For further information (in German) see: www.oead.at/cultureconnected

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