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European Solidarity Corps: more than 30 funded projects and 370 placements abroad every year

European Commission makes 17 million euros available to Austria

As a European youth programme the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) has provided financial support for the voluntary commitment of young people for five years and strengthens solidarity in society and in Europe. The 18- to 30-year-olds are involved in charitable projects and organisations in Austria and abroad and are active in areas such as environmental protection, social issues, refugee work, work with people with disabilities and culture. Various formats support the implementation of projects that benefit local communities and people all over Europe. The European Commission finances this work within the framework of the ESC. The OeAD is the national agency for the implementation of the ESC in Austria.

Volunteering is an important pillar of our society. This is why the European Commission's total budget for the European Solidarity Corps for 2021-2027 is a thousand million euros. Of this Austria has 17 million euros at its disposal. The European Commission has just published the call for 2024. Around 2.5 million euros will be available for Austria in the coming year. www.solidaritaetskorps.at

As the "SALTO European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre" in Austria the OeAD works closely with the agencies in other countries. As part of "Europe Talks Solidarity" webinars on solidarity and volunteering will be offered on 7 and 14 December: https://www.talkingsolidarity.eu/europe-talks-solidarity-webinars-2023/

Young people and anyone working with young people can take part.

In September 2018 the EU Parliament finalised the introduction of the European Solidarity Corps – a further development of the European Voluntary Service. Young people have been able to register since 2016. The programme started in 2019.

Folder: European Solidarity Corps: www.oead.at/esk_folder

European Solidarity Corps: more than 30 funded projects and 370 placements abroad every year

European Commission makes 17 million euros available to Austria

As a European youth programme the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) has provided financial support for the voluntary commitment of young people for five years and strengthens solidarity in society and in Europe. The 18- to 30-year-olds are involved in charitable projects and organisations in Austria and abroad and are active in areas such as environmental protection, social issues, refugee work, work with people with disabilities and culture. Various formats support the implementation of projects that benefit local communities and people all over Europe. The European Commission finances this work within the framework of the ESC. The OeAD is the national agency for the implementation of the ESC in Austria.

Volunteering is an important pillar of our society. This is why the European Commission's total budget for the European Solidarity Corps for 2021-2027 is a thousand million euros. Of this Austria has 17 million euros at its disposal. The European Commission has just published the call for 2024. Around 2.5 million euros will be available for Austria in the coming year. www.solidaritaetskorps.at

As the "SALTO European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre" in Austria the OeAD works closely with the agencies in other countries. As part of "Europe Talks Solidarity" webinars on solidarity and volunteering will be offered on 7 and 14 December: https://www.talkingsolidarity.eu/europe-talks-solidarity-webinars-2023/

Young people and anyone working with young people can take part.

In September 2018 the EU Parliament finalised the introduction of the European Solidarity Corps – a further development of the European Voluntary Service. Young people have been able to register since 2016. The programme started in 2019.

Folder: European Solidarity Corps: www.oead.at/esk_folder

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