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Starting signal for Erasmus+ 2021–2027: More than 500 million euros for Austria

The OeAD has been Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation since the beginning of 2021. It has additionally taken over the EU youth agendas.

The big EU programme Erasmus+ continues. The new programme generation starts with more than 26 thousand million euros for a period of seven years – of which 83% for education, 10.3% for youth and 1.9% for sports. With an estimated more than 500 million euros from EU funds for the years 2021 to 2027 the OeAD continues to implement Erasmus+ in Austria. Digital education, virtual mobility and cooperation will be intensified as of 2021 and inclusive access to programmes for all people is also a special focus for the next seven years. The European Solidarity Corps is another important programme that directly addresses young people and youth initiatives. Erasmus+ Youth in Action and the European Solidarity Corps will henceforth be managed by the OeAD in addition to education. The inclusion of “sports” into learning mobility will also open up new further education opportunities for staff in the field of sports in the future.

The Minister for Education and Science, Heinz Faßmann, emphasises: “The OeAD’s portfolio in the area of education has been expanded greatly in recent years by the integration of KulturKontakt Austria, the implementation of the school events cancellation fund and the national Digital Learning project. Therefore the EU youth agendas are in the best hands at the OeAD as “Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation”. Transnational cooperation in education and science remains the key to competitiveness, adaptability and innovation. More than 26 thousand million euros for the EU programme are an important sign for Europe and a good investment in Europe's future.”

Susanne Raab, Federal Minister for Women, Family, Youth and Integration at the Federal Chancellery, emphasises: “European youth programmes are also of great importance for young people in Austria. Gaining experience abroad plays an important part in young people’s individual development. Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps contribute significantly to Austria’s youth policy. The OeAD has been in place for almost 60 years and has a lot of expertise in transnational cooperation and mobility. It therefore makes sense that the OeAD should be responsible for the whole Erasmus+ programme and the European Solidarity Corps in Austria.”

Werner Kogler, Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sports, says of Erasmus+' role in sports: “Sports are represented in all three key areas in the new Erasmus+ programme for the first time. Learning mobility of staff in sports is an important new feature from which the many actors in sports will benefit.”

The OeAD’s managing director, Jakob Calice, says: “The OeAD as national Agency for Education and Internationalisation is very well suited to take over the EU youth programmes Erasmus+ Youth in Action and the European Solidarity Corps. The OeAD will ensure the greatest possible continuity in the programme implementation in the youth sector.”

Simplified application and processing for small Erasmus+ projects and more flexibility in the project set-up will facilitate access. The new Erasmus+ programme period also provides more opportunities for participating in mobility projects through digital learning and blended mobility. Ernst Gesslbauer, director of Erasmus+ at the OeAD, says: “Participation in the programme should become a matter of course for all people in Austria and Europe. This is a central goal for the OeAD and the agencies all over Europe. More than 340 agencies have already signalled with their applications that they want to ensure participation of people from their work areas over the next seven years.” One focus in the new programme will be on environment and sustainability.

Erasmus+ in Austria

Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) enable stays abroad, promote European cooperation and give international impetus to Austrian education and youth policy. Responsible for the implementation of Erasmus+ and ESC in Austria is the OeAD as national agency on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), the Federal Chancellery and the European Commission. The OeAD is Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation.

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