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OeAD announces call for applications for the Citizen Science Award 2021

Interested citizens and school classes are invited to take part in eight research projects from 1 April to 9 July 2021.

On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research the OeAD, as Centre for Citizen Science, invites interested individuals of all ages, and especially also schoolchildren, to take part in the competition for the Citizen Science Award. From 1 April to 9 July committed citizen scientists can take part in eight selected projects in the fields of natural sciences, humanities and social sciences and win cash prizes for school classes or prizes in kind for adults. All projects are designed in such a way that they can also be carried out in case of Covid 19-related curfews and school closures.

Increasing public acceptance for science

“In times like these when numerous fake news, conspiracy theories and half-truths are circulating around Covid-19,” emphasises the Minister for Education and Science, Heinz Faßmann, “it is of great concern to the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) to enhance curiosity and fascination for research and scientific findings both in the civil society and among schoolchildren. This contributes significantly to increasing public acceptance of science and research, to scrutinising findings and to participating actively.” The Citizen Science research approach – the direct involvement of citizens in the research process – is particularly well suited for this purpose. “Through the opportunity to experience science first-hand and through direct exchange with researchers citizen scientists will develop an understanding of how science and research work. Science will also benefit: The participation of the civil society helps it to gain new data and new perspectives,” adds the OeAD’s managing director Jakob Calice.

All projects can be integrated well into classroom teaching

All eight projects can be integrated very well into lessons at school or youth work. Seven of the projects are also aimed at individuals. The possibilities to take part in research are very diverse – both digital and analogue.

This year a special focus in terms of research methods is on monitoring different natural phenomena. Interested citizens are invited, e.g., to observe weather patterns, to report fossils from the Mesozoic era as well as native or high alpine plants and animals, or to research plants suitable for wild bees. In the other projects the social ties within school classes can be researched, online dictionary entries of youth language and dialects in Austria can be created and digital teaching and learning materials on the topic of “bionics” can be co-developed.

School classes moreover have the possibility to document their work on one of the projects by means of videos and to submit them for the special prize. This prize is endowed with 2,000 euros and will be awarded for a particularly creative video produced within the framework of research on one of the eight projects.

All prizes will be presented at a festive event on 30 November 2021. In the run-up to this event it will be possible to delve deeper into the respective research projects once again at the Citizen Science Award Day. On that day the researchers will offer various workshops or lectures and in some cases invite interested people to special guided tours of their respective institutions. All information about this will be available on the OeAD/Young Science website in the summer.

Further information about the Citizen Science Award and the projects is available at https://youngscience.at/citizen-science-award

OeAD – Agency for Education and Internationalisation

Bringing science and research to life for children and youngsters throughout Austria is a core programme of the OeAD in national education. For 60 years the OeAD has been advising, supporting and connecting people and institutions in education, science, research and culture with its future-oriented programmes. As an agency of the Republic of Austria the OeAD thus contributes to inclusive, equal and high-quality education. The OeAD’s fields of activity are in Austria, Europe and internationally in priority countries. The OeAD is an interface to educational offers for all phases of life – from kindergarten and schools to higher education and science, vocational education and training and adult education.

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