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Strengthening Europe: Pioneering projects and personalities from Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps honoured

The award recognises quality and special achievements in EU programmes.

On 4 December 2024 outstanding projects of the EU programmes Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps (ESC) were honoured and the new EU programme ambassadors were presented and honoured at a festive event in Vienna. The event focused on organisations and individuals who, through their commitment and projects in the sectors of education, youth and sports, make a significant contribution to promoting Europe and international cooperation. Martin Polaschek, Federal Minister for Education, Science and Research, Bernadett Humer, Head of Section at the Federal Chancellery, and Philipp Trattner, Head of Section at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport (BMKÖS), congratulated the winners, as did Jakob Calice, Managing Director of the Austrian Exchange Service (OeAD), and Ernst Gesslbauer, Director at the Austrian Exchange Service (OeAD) responsible for Erasmus+ and the ESC.

Federal Minister Martin Polaschek: ‘Erasmus+ and the ESC are shaping the future of Europe’

‘The EU funding programmes Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps are much more than just exchange programmes. They act as a catalyst for our European identity and at the same time strengthen understanding of Europe's diversity. Through experiences such as studying, working or volunteering abroad participants develop a stronger awareness of our common European values, our history and our goals,’ said the Federal Minister Martin Polaschek in his speech. “Every year thousands of young people gain valuable experience through these programmes, which not only promotes their personal development but also enriches society as a whole,” he added.

Bernadett Humer, head of section: ‘Promoting European cooperation’

‘The Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes are prime examples of how Europe can grow together through youth initiatives and voluntary services,’ emphasised Bernadett Humer, head of section at the Federal Chancellery. ‘It is above all the committed organisations and personalities who, through their work, lay the foundation for a strong European community and bring the European idea to life in our daily lives.’

Section Head Philipp Trattner: ‘Erasmus+ Sport connects on many levels’

In his speech Philipp Trattner, Head of Section at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport (BMKÖS), emphasised that the Erasmus+ Sport sector not only contributes to the development of knowledge and skills among all programme participants but also promotes understanding of intercultural communication and teamwork: ‘Sport brings people together across national borders and promotes a shared understanding of values. In this context Erasmus+ Sport has a particularly important role to play.’

Award-winning projects and organisations

A total of ten organisations and projects from various sectors were honoured for making a significant contribution to Europe through their innovative use of Erasmus+ and ESC. The award winners come from the sectors of school education, vocational education and training, higher education, adult education, youth and sport. Through their work in international cooperation they are all committed to positive development in Europe. ‘Today's event shows us how the European idea is brought to life through concrete projects. The Erasmus+ and ESC Award is a strong symbol of the importance of European programmes and their positive influence on society. The award-winning projects and ambassadors show how education initiatives and international cooperation motivate young people and bring Europe closer together,’ emphasises Jakob Calice, managing director of the Austrian Education and Internationalisation Agency (OeAD), which is also the national agency for the implementation of these EU programmes in Austria.

Programme ambassadors honoured

In addition to organisations, seven individuals were honoured for their outstanding contribution to Erasmus+ and ESC. They were named programme ambassadors. These dedicated people are making a significant contribution to spreading the values and goals of Erasmus+ and ESC through their commitment and passion. For the first time a special ambassador was also honoured for her commitment in the area of ‘democratic participation’. ‘With their passion and enthusiasm the ambassadors motivate other people to also participate in the programme. At the same time they support the OeAD as a national agency with their practical experience in an advisory capacity,’ says Ernst Gesslbauer.

EU programmes for the future

Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps not only offer opportunities for individual development but also help to create a network of European and international partnerships that enable the exchange of ideas, skills and knowledge. In the current programme generation 2021-2027 the EU is investing more than 28 billion euros in these programmes to further strengthen European cooperation. For Austria this means a total allocation of around 683 million euros.

About the award-winning projects: erasmusplus.at/awardprojekte2024

The Ambassador Projects: erasmusplus.at/ambassadors-2024

Photos in the APA photo gallery: Europe on the Move: Erasmus+ and ESC Award 2024 | OeAD – Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation | APA Photoservice

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