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Patrick Siegele becomes the new managing director of _erinnern.at_ – the BMBWF's Institute for Holocaust Education

_erinnern.at_ will become a separate sector in the national educational agency OeAD in 2022.

Patrick Siegele will become the new managing director of _erinnern.at_, the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)’s Institute for Holocaust Education, on 1 June 2021. “With Patrick Siegele the Ministry of Education has been able to recruit an experienced and internationally recognised expert in the field of remembrance culture and prevention of antisemitism as head of _erinnern.at_,” says the Minister for Education and Science, Heinz Faßmann. “The learning materials and educational opportunities offered by _erinnern.at_ are internationally recognised as ‘best practice’ examples. _erinnern.at_’s work makes a valuable contribution to the National Strategy against Antisemitism. The BMBWF is looking forward to working with Patrick Siegele on this challenging task,” says the minister. At the same time, on 1 June 2021, Siegele will become head of sector at the OeAD, Austria’s national Agency for Education and Internationalisation. In this function he will support the OeAD’s managing director Jakob Calice in the integration of _erinnern.at_ into the OeAD-GmbH on 1 January 2022.

“In an international call for applications Patrick Siegele proved to be the best qualified candidate for the management of _erinnern.at_. We are very pleased that we were able to get a highly competent and experienced successor for Dr. Werner Dreier who, in addition to his great expertise and proven management skills, also enjoys great international reputation,” say Martina Maschke and Manfred Wirtitsch, board members of _erinnern.at_ and the BMBWF’s executives responsible for commemorative policy in education. Advertising the position of managing director had become necessary due to the founding director Werner Dreier’s retirement. An international recruitment committee, consisting of members of the OeAD, _erinnern.at_’s executive board and _erinnern.at_’s scientific advisory board, suggested Siegele as the new managing director.

The OeAD’s managing director, Jakob Calice, emphasises: “Patrick Siegele brings valuable expertise in Holocaust education to the OeAD and will, as head of sector, promote the further development of teaching the history of National Socialism and its consequences in schools and in society. This will result in important interfaces with other areas of activity of the Educational Agency.”

After 20 years in management positions in Germany Patrick Siegele is pleased to return to Austria. Siegele has been head of the Anne Frank Centre Berlin since 2014; now the Tyrolean will become managing director of _erinnern.at_. “I am very happy to become managing director of _erinnern.at_ – an organisation the excellent work of which I have followed for many years and with which I have already been able to carry out numerous cooperation projects,” Siegele said about his appointment as managing director.

In view of rising antisemitism Siegele emphasises the importance of educational work: “The increasing denial and trivialisation of the Holocaust show how important it is to keep the memory of these crimes alive, to impart knowledge about the National Socialist era and to counteract antisemitism, racism and Antiziganism through educational work. I am looking forward to contributing to this together with such a competent and professional team and with the coordinators in the Austrian federal provinces and to continuing to promote the critical examination of the history of National Socialism in Austria.”

About _erinnern.at_

_erinnern.at_ was established in 2000 and has been an association of the BMBWF with its registered office in Bregenz since 2009. In 2019 _erinnern.at_ reached more than 1,700 teachers through further education measures and 7700 young people through eyewitness talks. _erinnern.at_ is involved in numerous national and international cooperations, including the Israeli Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem and the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). _erinnern.at_ will be incorporated into the OeAD-GmbH on 1 January 2022. The association’s managing director will become head of section at the OeAD. _erinnern.at_’s international scientific advisory board of will remain in place and accompany the transition process.

About the OeAD

Giving children and youngsters all over Austria insights into different living and working environments in science, research and culture and bringing these to life is a core mission of the OeAD in national education. For 60 years the OeAD has been advising, supporting and connecting people and institutions in education, science, research and culture with its future-oriented programmes. As an agency of the Republic of Austria the OeAD thus contributes to inclusive, equal and high-quality education. The OeAD’s fields of activity are in Austria, Europe and internationally in priority countries. The OeAD is an interface to educational offers for all phases of life – from kindergartens and schools to higher education and science, vocational education and training and adult education.

For further information please contact:

Mag. Ursula Hilmar, presse@oead.at

Dr.in Victoria Kumar, victoria.kumar@erinnern.at

Spokesman of the Board of _erinnern.at_: Moritz Wein, MA, moritz.wein@bmbwf.gv.at

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