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New OeAD competition ‘Young Science Days at Schools’: Pupils design research


The OeAD promotes dialogue between science and schools through numerous programmes such as ‘Sparkling Science 2.0’, the Citizen Science Award and the ‘Science Ambassadors’. A new addition is the competition ‘Young Science Days at Schools’, which will start in autumn 2024. This format offers schools throughout Austria the opportunity to bring science directly into the classroom and spark pupils' interest in research.

Experience science up close

Many schools already organise research days to get children and young people interested in the world of science. With the ‘YoungScience Days at Schools’, the OeAD is now offering a new, interactive format in which teachers and their students can actively bring research into the school. The aim is to motivate more schools to make scientific topics come alive in creative ways. 

Minister of Education Martin Polaschek emphasises: ‘At a time when scientific findings are often questioned, it is crucial to strengthen and promote trust in science at an early stage. This is precisely the goal we are pursuing with my “DNAustria” initiative. The Young Science Days offer children and young people an excellent opportunity to explore current research topics and develop creative solutions together with scientists. I look forward to the exciting contributions from the students.’

Jakob Calice, Managing Director of the OeAD, adds: ‘We attach great importance to the active role of the students: they organise the event, take part in interactive formats and creatively process what they have learned. In this way we want to strengthen interest in science in the long term and encourage young people to independently engage with important topics.’

Terms and conditions

All schools in Austria, from primary to secondary schools, are invited to take part in the competition and organise their own Young Science Day. Pupils of all age groups can then document their experiences through creative contributions and submit them to the OeAD. Attractive cash prizes for the class fund await the best submissions.

A jury of experts evaluates the submissions according to the criteria of creativity, originality and sustainability. The best projects will be honoured and exhibited at the Young Science Congress in the autumn of 2025.

This is how the competition works:

  • Independent organisation: Schools plan and design their Young Science Day individually, with at least three different activities.
  • Creative documentation: Pupils record their experiences in the form of videos, collages, magazines, reports or podcasts. A short programme overview is also required.
  • Jury assessment: In the summer of 2025 the contributions will be evaluated by a jury of experts according to defined criteria.
  • Awards: The best contributions will be presented at the Young Science Congress in the autumn of 2025 and cash prizes will be awarded for the class funds.

Categories and prizes

Schools can submit their contributions in the following categories:

  • Primary schools
  • Lower secondary schools
  • Upper secondary schools

The following prizes will be awarded for each category:

  • 1st place: 1,000 euros
  • 2nd place: 500 euros
  • 3rd place: 300 euros

In addition, up to five recognition prizes (each worth 100 euros) can be awarded.

Benefits for participating schools:

  • Proactive involvement of students in the organisation and implementation
  • Participation of all school subjects possible
  • Direct contact with research
  • School trip to the award ceremony
  • Prize money for the class fund
  • An exhibition at the Young Science Congress

The events offer an excellent opportunity to work across schools and disciplines. In addition, experiments, discussions with scientists and presentations of your own research results (e.g. Matura projects) can be integrated. Each school can submit up to three creative contributions. The deadline is 4 July 2025.

Further information: youngscience.oead.at/young-science-tage-an-schulen

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