eTwinning prizes awarded: Award for European school projects Austrian schools were awarded prizes for virtual cooperation with partner schools in Europe As the national coordination office for eTwinning in Austria the OeAD awarded prizes for outstanding eTwinning projects of Austrian schools and kindergartens on 13 October 2022 in Vienna. More than 100 teachers and pupils from seven federal provinces came together to receive the coveted prizes. “With eTwinning Erasmus+ enables secure virtual collaboration free of charge with partner schools in 44 European countries. I am pleased that more than a third of all schools in Austria are part of this largest learning community in Europe and I congratulate the award-winning schools on their successful international commitment,” says the OeAD’s managing director Jakob Calice. The first eTwinning Prize was awarded to HTL Rankweil (Vorarlberg) for their project “Discover Europe”, in which the pupils embarked on a multifaceted geographical, nature-focused and cultural and historical journey of discovery through Europe. The second prize went to WI'MO Klagenfurt (Carinthia) for “Le français c’est facile!”. Together with partner schools the pupils had acquired language skills in a playful and varied way. Third came HTL Spengergasse (Vienna) with its project “A European Marketing Campaign”, in which the pupils had worked on a fictitious marketing strategy for the company “Too Good To Go” to combat food waste. Moreover, the project also received the special prize “Schools and the New European Bauhaus”. All three schools were also awarded the national eTwinning quality label. The following schools received the national quality label: Akademisches Gymnasium Wien (Vienna), BG/BRG Braunau am Inn (Upper Austria), BG/BRG Lilienfeld (Lower Austria), HLW Don Bosco Vöcklabruck (Upper Austria), Neue Mittelschule Weitensfeld (Carinthia), Öffentliches Gymnasium der Franziskaner (Tyrol), Volksschule Stainach-Pürgg (Styria) and WI'MO Klagenfurt (Carinthia). A higher education institution was also awarded a prize for the first time in 2022 – the University College of Teacher Education Styria received the ITE Award for its commitment to eTwinning. This award is a new Europe-wide initiative that rewards the integration of eTwinning into teacher training. The prizes were provided by FLIP LAB, the Museum of Illusions and Ars Electronica Linz. eTwinning is the largest online school community in Europe with more than a million users and part of Erasmus+. The initiative enables all teachers and kindergarten teachers in Europe to exchange ideas with colleagues, to cooperate and to carry out virtual school projects together. The pupils will learn a lot of new things in the projects almost in passing. Within the framework of a tour of the federal provinces in November 2022 the OeAD will inform schools about the possibilities of European cooperation virtually with eTwinning and/or physically with Erasmus+. All dates can be found at >> To the photos of the APA photo gallery