The UNESCO International Arts Education Week takes place from 20 to 26 May 2023 OeAD, Wiener Festwochen, the Viennese State Opera and the association Verein Jugend und Kultur offer a week full of cultural education. From 20 to 26 May 2023 Austria’s education agency OeAD offers a multifaceted cultural education programme in cooperation with the Wiener Festwochen, the Viennese State Opera and the Verein Jugend und Kultur in Wiener Neustadt. The UNESCO International Arts Education Week takes place at the same time. UNESCO wants to emphasise the importance of cultural education at school and outside of school and that young people should have the opportunity to partake in art and culture. “Cultural education can be used to support a constructive approach to diversity and difference in society – this common week is intended to clearly emphasise this. As Austria’s education agency we promote cooperation between artists, cultural institutions and schools. We want to give children and young people the opportunity to actively engage with art and culture. I would especially like to thank the Wiener Festwochen, the Viennese State Opera and the Verein Jugend und Kultur for their great cooperation during this week,” emphasises the OeAD’s managing director Jakob Calice. Events in Vienna and Lower Austria During the Wiener Festschulwochen(22 to 26 May) pupils will have the possibility to attend a play together and experience a lively encounter with art and culture. The Wiener Festschulwochen offer free cultural education workshops for school classes that deal intensively with the content of the selected plays. With “On the road with Tschick” the Viennese State Opera stages a performative station theatre on 20 and 21 May on Karlsplatz in Vienna. 80 young performers and the Viennese State Opera’ orchestra will take part in an “outdoor music theatre performance walk”. Apprentices from “Jugend am Werk” will also take part in the performance under the direction of Dietmar Flosdorf through the OeAD programme “K3 Projects. Cultural Education with Apprentices” and make a scrap car sound. Other cooperation partners are Superar, the Künstlerhaus, the Austrian Red Cross and the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. The “Verein Jugend und Kultur” and the OeAD invite you to Lower Austria for an anniversary exhibition. For ten years now apprentices have been able to take part in cultural education projects in the province of Lower Austria under the title of kreAKTIV. The exhibition “Apprentices making films, singing and painting walls” takes place in Schloss Fischau. Selected works and objects from ten years of cultural education with apprentices – from graffiti and films to radio plays – show the creative work of the past years. The exhibition will be open from 25 May to 11 June 2023. Information and dates: