Faßmann: Start of the Austrian-African research network "Africa-UniNet" 300,000 euros for better cooperation between Austrian and African higher education institutions Kick-off with network members from 63 African and 19 Austrian higher education institutions Vienna (OTS) – Bringing together African and Austrian universities and promoting joint cooperation – this is the aim of the research network "Africa-UniNet" initiated by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) that was launched in December 2018 within the framework of the major Africa Summit. The network is now taking up its work. Today, network members from 63 African and 19 Austrian higher education institutions are meeting for the big kick-off event. "With this network we are creating a solid basis for long-term partnerships between Austrian and African higher education and research institutions that will lead to new research and research education projects in the common interest", said Federal Minister Prof. Dr. Heinz Faßmann at the festive reception at the BMBWF on the occasion of the network's kick-off. The Rector of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Hubert Hasenauer, was entrusted with the presidency and the development of the network. "The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) has a long tradition of cooperation with African universities, both in research and in the education of students. For example, we have been running a master's programme in Limnology & Wetland Management together with the University of Egerton in Kenya since 2012. And many master’s and doctoral theses with an African focus have been supervised by BOKU professors. We were therefore very pleased to be entrusted with the establishment of the Africa-UniNet because we see this as recognition of our long-standing, international responsibility that we actively practise. In connection with Africa-UniNet we have also created a new professorship for development cooperation", BOKU Rector Hubert Hasenauer is pleased to announce. The network's funding activities will be managed by the OeAD-GmbH, where the network is located. Jakob Calice, the OeAD-GmbH’s managing director, emphasised: " Africa-UniNet offers an excellent opportunity for Austrian higher education and research institutions to establish and intensify contacts with African higher education institutions and to carry out joint projects. The OeAD contributes its experience from ten years of funding African-Austrian science projects to the establishment of the network." Africa-UniNet is an initiative of the BMBWF and was presented by the Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research, Heinz Faßmann, at the "High Level Forum Africa-Europe" on December 18th, 2018. Africa-UniNet was developed by the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (OeAD-GmbH) and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) on the initiative of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF). The aim of the network is to create a long-term structure for cooperation between Austrian and African higher education and research institutions and to contribute to sustainable development according to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The BMBWF supports the network with more than 300,000 euros per year. This funds the operation of the network office and the implementation of various network activities, such as the initiation and implementation of research projects, exchange of professors, workshops, training and alumni activities. In German: Programmfolder Africa-UniNet Veranstaltungsprogramm Statuten