OeAD-Calice welcomes growth path for science and research The new edition of Sparkling Science brings about new research projects with pupils The OeAD expressly welcomes the increase in the science and research budget that was presented today. The OeAD’s managing director Jakob Calice says: "Especially in the current Covid-19 situation this endowment is a clear signal for a further expansion of the location for science and innovation. With the increase Austria presents itself internationally as a future-oriented location for science and research." The OeAD will relaunch the young research programme "Sparkling Science". Calice: "Within Sparkling Science scientists work together with children and youngsters on current research questions, motivating them to do research. In this way we ensure a broader understanding of research among the population and motivate talented people to take up studies later on." The programme, which has been positively evaluated by the Court of Auditors, will thus be able to ensure that science will be integrated more firmly in schools and society again in the future. The three-year budget security established by the Research Funding Act provides the OeAD as Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation with stable framework conditions and longer-term planning security in the different funding portfolios and also for clients such as scholarship holders. For Calice the three-year funding agreement is "an important step towards the simplification of administrative processes". About the OeAD The OeAD supports and cross-links people and institutions in education, science, research and culture with its programmes. As an agency of the Republic of Austria the OeAD thus contributes to inclusive, equal and high-quality education. European and international exchange as well as transnational mobility serve as the agency's most important tools. As National Agency the OeAD is responsible, amongst other things, for the implementation of "Erasmus+ Education" in Austria.