Another 18.7 million euros for APPEAR – research and teaching with development policy relevance OeAD and ADA launch eighth call for project proposals within the framework of APPEAR, the higher education cooperation programme in the area of research and teaching for development. The OeAD, as the national Agency for Education and Internationalisation, and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) support high-quality research projects between Austria and priority countries of the Austrian Development Cooperation with the APPEAR programme. In the first ten years of APPEAR approximately 20 million euros in funding were disbursed in seven application rounds, resulting in a strong network of participating scientific institutions. Until the end of the third programme phase in November 2027 another 18.7 million euros will be invested in sustainable academic partnerships with a long-term impact. In this way the Austrian Development Cooperation makes an important contribution to evidence-based development and the gradual implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on a partnership basis. The latest call started on 1 March 2021 and will be open until the end of June 2021. Researchers at higher education institutions in Austria and in the priority countries of the Austrian Development Cooperation (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Uganda, Mozambique, Bhutan, Palestine, Armenia, Georgia, Albania, Kosovo, Moldova) can submit needs-oriented and innovative cooperation projects in research, teaching and higher education management. Further application rounds are planned for the years 2022 to 2024. The third programme phase will last seven years. The OeAD’s managing director Jakob Calice explains the changes: “We have revised the programme design and funding tools. And for the first time we will also cooperate with higher education institutions in Albania and Kosovo. Besides funding for the initiation of cooperation “on equal footing” the focus will of course continue to be on multi-year academic partnerships between higher education institutions in Austria and higher education institutions and research institutions in the target countries.” “The contributions of science and education are of enormous importance for better living conditions worldwide. They form an important basis for shaping sustainable development according to the SDGs. Since its launch in 2010 APPEAR has been able to establish itself as a flagship programme of the Austrian Development Cooperation. The research topics are oriented towards the goals of the Austrian development policy and include areas such as environmental and climate protection, poverty reduction, human rights, food security, economic development, and peace and security. By increasing the capacities in higher education and research in our partner countries we contribute to solving local and regional challenges and strengthen the participation of the participating institutions in the global scientific discourse,” emphasises the ADA’s managing director Martin Ledolter. Science as a driving force for development In the past ten years 43 multi-year partnerships between Austrian higher education institutions and universities and scientific institutions in 20 countries of the global South and the Caucasus region have been established within the framework of APPEAR. 124 prospective scientists and scholars were able to complete master’s or PhD programmes at Austrian higher education institutions. Click here for photos of four selected higher education partnerships in East and West Africa from the first two programme phases of APPEAR. Click here for the first call for proposals of the third phase of APPEAR – for the guidelines as well as the formats for submission. OeAD – Agency for Education and Internationalisation For 60 years the OeAD has been advising, supporting and connecting people and institutions in education, science, research and culture with its future-oriented programmes. As an agency of the Republic of Austria the OeAD thus contributes to inclusive, equal and high-quality education. The OeAD’s fields of activity are in Austria, Europe and internationally in priority countries. The OeAD is an interface to educational offers for all phases of life – from kindergarten and schools to higher education and science, vocational education and training and adult education. The agency's most important instruments are European and international exchange and transnational mobility. Austrian Development Agency (ADA) The Austrian Development Agency supports countries in Africa, Asia, Southeast and Eastern Europe in their sustainable development. Together with public institutions, non-governmental organisations and companies the ADA currently implements projects and programmes with a total volume of 500 million euros. Enquiries and contact: OeAD-GmbH – Agency for Education and InternationalisationMag. Ursula Austrian Development AgencyMag. Georg KeriTel.: +43 1