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Erasmus+ for apprentices: The goal is to double the number of apprentices' work placements abroad to 2,000 per year by 2027

The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW), the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ) and the OeAD present five prioriti

Apprenticeship training is an essential part of the vocational education and training system in Austria and, as the current OECD study “Education at a Glance” shows, enjoys considerable reputation. In order to remain competitive the qualification standards of vocational education and training must be adapted to the qualifications required at the workplace and the future young skilled workers must show a high willingness for occupational mobility and flexibility as well as a readiness for lifelong learning. Internships abroad such as those offered by Erasmus+ play an important part in this context. In addition to providing the participants with invaluable personal experience and enhancement of skills these internships also support the potential for innovation and the exchange of good practice.

In order to learn more about motives and expectations as well as existing obstacles to mobility and potential incentives the OeAD as national agency for education and internationalisation, together with the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW) and the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ), commissioned the Institute for Research & Development in VET (ibw) to conduct the study “Auslandsmobilität in der Lehrlingsausbildung” (Mobility abroad in apprenticeship training) in June 2020. The results were presented on 30 September 2021 at the OeAD with five focal points for increasing mobility of apprentices.

Study shows urgent need for information

Under the direction of Kurt Schmid from the Institute for Research & Development in VET an empirical research on international mobility in apprenticeships was carried out for the first time in Austria. The study shows that experience and interest in international mobility correlate: On the part of those companies that already have experience with internships abroad the interest in international mobility for apprentices is very high – 80% compared to 34% for companies without international mobility experience. Companies with experience also rate the general interest of their apprentices as high (59%) while only 27% of companies without experience believe this. It stands to reason that an exchange of experience between companies with and without mobility experience should be promoted. Another important aspect of the study is to raise awareness of the benefits for apprentices, trainers and companies that train apprentices. Trainers without international mobility experience clearly underestimate the benefits. For example, only 47% of companies without experience with mobility of apprentices expect a very high increase in the independence and personal development of their apprentices (compared to 83% of companies with experience with mobility of apprentices) and only 48% believe in a very high increase in foreign language skills (compared to 64% of companies with experience with mobility of apprentices).

The study confirms the need for optimisation, whether in consulting and support options or the exchange of experience and networking of all those concerned.

Faßmann: Making greater use of opportunities offered by Erasmus+

The federal minister of education, Heinz Faßmann, says: “An international education is valuable in terms of improved language skills, gaining experience in Europe and further developing independence. This is why we want to stimulate interest in experiences abroad also among apprentices. Our goal is to double the number of internships abroad for apprentices to 2,000 per year by 2027. The new Erasmus+ programme provides ideal conditions to increase demand and make the best possible use of European funding for Austrian vocational education and training.”

Schramböck: Incentive for internships abroad through financial support for apprentices and companies

“For me it is clear that those who perform well should be rewarded – and what is normal for pupils should also be normal for the skilled workers of our future – I think everything else would be unfair. Experience abroad helps our apprentices to gain a broad perspective and to enrich our business location with fresh, innovative ideas. To make the stay abroad a success for both apprentices and companies we support apprentices with a daily allowance of 15 euros per day abroad. We also finance a language course of up to two weeks for them before they start their internship abroad. The companies are supported by the pro rata replacement of the apprentices’ income,” says the minister for apprenticeships, Margarete Schramböck. Information deficits among companies, vocational schools and those responsible for training are also to be prevented. “Therefore, on one hand, we will jointly make the importance of apprentice mobility more clearly visible both for the apprentice’s personal educational pathway and for the individual company and, on the other hand, we will increasingly point out the support measures, whether in applying for funding, arranging host companies and language courses or providing guidance for apprentices on site, in a targeted manner”. One of the highlights will be an apprentice week in 2022 with events and activities all over Austria relating to the topic of Erasmus+ apprentice mobility.

Groß: Experience abroad of apprentices is a boost for the economy

At EuroSkills 2021, the European Championship for Young Professionals, Austria was the most successful EU nation. “The competitions in the individual trades can also be seen as a competition between the vocational education and training systems and, with our dual education and training system, Austria is at the absolute top. We want to maintain this success in the long term. It is therefore essential that we promote experience abroad that can be gained with Erasmus+. Our apprentices will learn about new working methods, gain life experience and develop personally. This is a real upgrade of apprenticeship training and thus also a boost for the economy,” says Amelie Groß, the WKÖ’s vice president. A recent WKÖ survey among apprentices showed that almost half of the apprentices do not know that internships abroad are possible and how they are financed. “We rely on a comprehensive information campaign for trainers and companies in order to better communicate the advantages,” emphasises Groß, who is relying on the WKÖ’s regional structures for the joint campaign. Institutions that organise stays abroadin their entirety are particularly relevant for SMEs. Among other things, they will receive a social media toolkit in the future that will help to arouse interest in spending time abroad in apprentices.

Calice: International Conference and monitoring

As national agency the OeAD is responsible for the implementation of Erasmus+ in Austria. Jakob Calice, the OeAD’s managing director, emphasises that Erasmus+ is an ideal opportunity for young people in vocational education and training to improve their career opportunities. “Young people will acquire skills for the international world of work, which is subject to constant change. Vocational education and training is therefore one of the OeAD’s central themes. We will support the campaign to increase apprentice mobility by means of an international conference including a country comparison and exchange of best practice examples. There are many innovative education and training projects of small and medium-sized enterprises. They urgently need to be brought before the curtain to encourage others. Networking and the exchange of experience are essential.” In order to initiate new projects for apprentices the OeAD also relies on the organisation of seminars for exchange at regular intervals. The education agency also considers it essential to analyse the results of completed and ongoing Erasmus projects by means of thematic monitoring. Finally, Calice also points out the administrative simplification for applications that has been in place as of this Erasmus+ programme period.

Detailed information about Erasmus+ vocational education and training:https://erasmusplus.at/de/berufsbildung

With Erasmus+ Vocational Education and Training the European Union promotes transnational cooperation between institutions that improve vocational education and training in Europe. In addition to modernising and internationalising the participating organisations the programme strengthens the competitiveness of entire industries. In the field of vocational education and training the new Erasmus+ programme offers the possibility for institutions to be jointly accredited as a consortium to participate in the programme. Experienced institutions can thus support less experienced institutions both in applying for and organising mobility or take over certain tasks entirely.

In addition to apprentices, pupils in initial vocational education and training and learners in continuing vocational education and training the programme also offers teachers and specialists in vocational education and training the possibility to go to other European countries with Erasmus+ to learn or teach there.

In the new Erasmus+ programme generation 2021-2027 the vocational education and training sector will be further strengthened by the international dimension: under certain conditions funded stays are now possible worldwide.

Cooperation between learning locations in dual vocational training

In Austria dual vocational training takes place at two locations: Around 80% of the training time is spent in a company or a training facility and around 20% at a vocational school.

The Ministry of Education shares responsibility for vocational training with the Ministry for Economic Affairs: the BMBWF is responsible for the school part, the BMDW for the in-company part. The framework for training in companies or in training facilities is provided by the vocational training regulations, the framework for the vocational schools by the vocational school curricula whereby the vocational school curriculum is coordinated with the respective training regulations.

Apprenticeship after graduation from school

The funding programme “Berufsmatura: Lehre mit Reifeprüfung” (Vocational baccalaureate: apprenticeship with matriculation examination) of the Federal Ministry of Education aims to create target group-oriented offers for apprentices who want to prepare for their vocational matriculation examination (Berufsreifeprüfung) while doing their vocational training. In this way the programme differs from the traditional vocational matriculation examination, which candidates prepare for in an extra-occupational way after completing an apprenticeship.

This programme, which is in great demand, will enable up to 10,000 apprentices to prepare for their vocational matriculation examination free of charge and with institutional support. The programme started on 1 July 2020, it ends on 31 October 2025 and includes 12.5 million euros in funding per year.

Extended apprenticeship period and partial qualifications

Moreover, there are possibilities for young people with special needs to extend their apprenticeships by 1 year (in exceptional cases by 2 years).

Apprenticeship figures

As of the reporting date 31/12/2020 108,416 apprentices (about a third of whom female) were trained throughout Austria. In 2020 37% of the 15-year-olds were apprentices in the 1st year of their apprenticeship. Of the pupils in 10th grade approximately 36% attended a compulsory school of vocational education (vocational school) in the school year 2019/20 – dual vocational education and training was thus the most frequently chosen training path.

Tasks of vocational schools: impart basic theoretical knowledge in subject-specific lessons, support and complement in-company or practical vocational training, broaden general education.

As of the reporting date 31/12/2020 there were 28,711 companies that train apprentices throughout Austria. These companies were matched by 136 vocational schools. There are currently 211 skilled trades requiring the completion of an apprenticeship. The duration of training is 2 to 4 years, depending on the individual trades.

Press photos (APAphoto service): https://www.apa-fotoservice.at/galerie/26624

Enquiries & contact

Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
Mag. Debora Knob
+43 1 53120-5026

Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs
Kathrin Schriefer
Press spokeswoman
+43 1 71100-805140

Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ)
Press Office DMC – Data & Media Center
0590 900 – 4462

Ibw Austria – Research & Development in VET
Mag. Kurt Schmid
+43 1 545 16 71-26

OeAD – Agency for Education and Internationalisation
Mag. Ursula Hilmar
+43 1 53408-270

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