Even more money for Austria's children's and youth universities in 2025 Next year, children and young people across the country will once again be able to get a taste of university life. The funding budget has been increased to 1.6 million euros. The BMBWF and Austria's education agency OeAD are expecting exciting new projects in the field of children's and youth universities in 2025. Projects can be funded with up to 70,000 euros or a maximum of 30 per cent of the project costs. In addition, extension modules for holiday care with a scientific focus will be funded, for which up to 50,000 euros will be awarded. The submission period to the OeAD begins on 7 October and ends on 2 December 2024. The science education programmes of the children's and youth universities are diverse, with lectures, workshops and excursions giving young participants their first insights into the world of science. The focus is always on active participation and direct contact and dialogue with scientists, which provides both sides with exciting input. According to the OeAD, this is a fun way of breaking down fears of science and strengthening confidence in science and democracy in order to pave the way for a self-determined future for the younger generation. Federal Minister Martin Polaschek: "We are bringing science and research into the centre of our society. With their varied programme, Austria's children's and youth universities prove that science and research are accessible to everyone and can also be fun. This is why the BMBWF has been funding this form of extracurricular science education for more than 20 years and has increased the funding budget to 1.6 million euros." OeAD Managing Director Jakob Calice emphasises: "We are very confident that we at the OeAD will receive many interesting applications for the 2025 funding year, as we still see room for development, especially in the peripheral regions. The planned spatial expansion into public spaces will help to make the successful Children's and Youth Universities programme even more diverse and inclusive." The funding programme places a particular focus on projects aimed at children and young people from peripheral regions and socially disadvantaged population groups. In order to reduce the fear of contact with tertiary educational institutions, there are already some children's and youth universities that utilise public spaces and take place in parks, municipal buildings and libraries or geographically less well-connected areas. The extension modules for "holiday care with a scientific approach" are also very popular. These modules offer all-day weekly programmes that aim to provide a balanced mix of scientific programme items, exercise and play. In addition to 23 children's and youth universities, 14 extension modules were also funded in 2024. Since 2024, the OeAD has also managed additional funding from the Department of Science and Research of the Province of Lower Austria for children's and youth university projects that take place in Lower Austria. An annual budget of 100,000 euros is available for this funding programme. Projects can receive a maximum of 20 per cent of the project costs or a maximum of 15,000 euros in funding. Submissions are made using the same online form that must be completed when submitting a funding application to the BMBWF. In 2024, seven projects already benefited from this additional funding from the state of Lower Austria. Deputy Governor Stephan Pernkopf, responsible for science and research in Lower Austria, emphasises: "We want to convey science to children and young people in an exciting way. The children's and youth universities are a good opportunity to immerse them in the wide world of knowledge." Further information: https://youngscience.at/de/angebote/kinder-und-jugenduniversitaeten/ Key data on the call for proposals Submission start: Monday, 7 October 2024, 12:00 noon Submission deadline: Monday, 2 December 2024, 12:00 noon